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Local deployment


There are currently no steps provided for manually deploying Terraform from your command line. You can deploy Terraform config independently from the GitHub actions script Deploy Terraform Only

Time to complete: ~20-30 minutes

Before following any of these steps, first complete the steps for local setup and use.

Deploy add-ons

Some features, such as the chat-to-video-escalation feature and the schedule-manager feature, depend on add-on packages that need to be deployed. To do so:

First, make sure you are using the correct Twilio profile that matches your schedule-manager .env:


This is not the same command as above!

export env=`cat addons/serverless-schedule-manager/.env | grep ACCOUNT_SID | cut -d '=' -f 2`; export profile=`node scripts/print-profile-account.mjs`; echo -e 'schedule-manager: \t' ${env}; echo -e 'profile: \t' ${profile}

Once you have confirmed they are the same, run the deployment:

npm run deploy-addons

Deploy serverless functions

First, make sure you are using the correct Twilio profile that matches your .env:

cd serverless-functions
export env=`cat .env | grep ACCOUNT_SID | cut -d '=' -f 2`; export profile=`node ../scripts/print-profile-account.mjs`; echo -e 'serverless: \t' ${env}; echo -e 'profile: \t' ${profile}

If the accounts do not match, perform the following:

  • If the profile account is correct, run npm run postinstall -- --overwrite in the template root directory to re-generate your .env files based on the selected profile.
  • If the profile account is not correct, run twilio profiles:use my_profile_name to switch profiles.

Once you have confirmed they are the same, run the deployment:

npm run deploy

Deploy configuration


If you customized custom_data in appConfig.js while running locally, and would like to deploy with those settings, be sure to make the same changes in your flex-config/ui_attributes.local.json file as well.

Again, first double-check the .env matches your Twilio CLI profile:

cd ../flex-config/
export env=`cat .env | grep ACCOUNT_SID | cut -d '=' -f 2`; export profile=`node ../scripts/print-profile-account.mjs`; echo -e 'flex-config: \t' ${env}; echo -e 'profile: \t' ${profile}

If they match, continue:

  1. Review/edit the taskrouter_skills.json file and ensure the skills match the ones you want to deploy. This is used on every environment to deploy a common set of skills. Note the skills in the file will be merged with any skills existing in the environment.
  2. Review/edit the ui_attributes.local.json file and ensure the configuration matches what you want to deploy. Note the configuration in the file will be merged with both the ui_attributes.common.json file as well as any configuration existing in the environment.
  3. Run npm run deploy to update the Flex configuration.

Deploy Flex plugin

Now that the dependencies have been deployed, we may now deploy the Flex plugin:

cd ../plugin-flex-ts-template-v2
npm run deploy -- --changelog "My manual deploy" --description "Flex project template"

After your deployment runs you will receive instructions for releasing your plugin from the prompt. You can use this or skip this step and release your plugin from the Flex plugin dashboard.

For more details on deploying your plugin, refer to the deploying your plugin guide.