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Adding a new feature

If you want to add a new feature, after following the steps to run Flex locally, from the root of the repository you can run the following:

npm run add-feature <my-new-feature-name>

This will create a new feature folder under plugin-flex-ts-template-v2/src/feature-library and it will apply the boilerplate code so you can easily add in your functionality:

  • Creates a feature directory under feature-library
  • Adds an interface for feature configuration
  • Adds a feature readme file
  • Adds the feature to the ui_attributes.common.json config file
    • By default, the feature is added to the config with enabled set to false

Within the feature folder, there is a standard structure in place:

  • You can think of the custom-components folder as where your UI goes.
  • You can think of the helpers or utils folder as where your operations to backend services go
  • You can think of flex-hooks as where you declare how your components extend or get triggered by actions.
  • The template discovers any folder in the feature library and identifies the hooks in flex-hooks to add it in.