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Use an actions hook to register actions in the Flex Actions Framework.

import * as Flex from '@twilio/flex-ui';

import { FlexActionEvent, FlexAction } from '../../../../types/feature-loader';

export const actionEvent = FlexActionEvent.before;
export const actionName = FlexAction.CompleteTask;
export const actionHook = function exampleCompleteTaskHook(flex: typeof Flex, manager: Flex.Manager) {
flex.Actions.addListener(`${actionEvent}${actionName}`, async (payload, abortFunction) => {
// your code here

Supported values for actionEvent:

enum FlexActionEvent {
before = "before",
after = "after",
replace = "replace",

Supported values for actionName:

enum FlexAction {
AcceptTask = "AcceptTask",
ApplyTeamsViewFilters = "ApplyTeamsViewFilters",
CompleteTask = "CompleteTask",
HangupCall = "HangupCall",
HoldCall = "HoldCall",
UnholdCall = "UnholdCall",
HoldParticipant = "HoldParticipant",
KickParticipant = "KickParticipant",
MonitorCall = "MonitorCall",
StopMonitoringCall = "StopMonitoringCall",
SelectTask = "SelectTask",
SetWorkerActivity = "SetWorkerActivity",
StartOutboundCall = "StartOutboundCall",
ToggleMute = "ToggleMute",
UnholdParticipant = "UnholdParticipant",
NavigateToView = "NavigateToView",
RejectTask = "RejectTask",
SetActivity = "SetActivity",
StartExternalWarmTransfer = "StartExternalWarmTransfer",
ShowDirectory = "ShowDirectory",
TransferTask = "TransferTask",
WrapupTask = "WrapupTask",