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Use the template for a specific feature

You may wish to deploy only a single feature from the template. There are two ways to remove features from the template:

  • The remove-features script, which allows you to remove all features from the template, keeping only the features you specify. This script also removes those feature references from GitHub Actions workflows and from flex-config JSON if necessary.
  • Delete the individual feature directories from the plugin and serverless packages manually.

Using the remove-features script

Let's say, for example, I only want to deploy the template for the caller-id feature. The following command will remove all features except caller-id:

npm run remove-features except caller-id

Multiple features can be specified in case you wish to deploy multiple select features. The following example will remove all features except admin-ui, attribute-viewer, and dual-channel-recording:

npm run remove-features except admin-ui attribute-viewer dual-channel-recording

If you have already deployed to the environment before removing features, the configuration for removed features will remain in the environment. This will result in them appearing in the admin-ui panel unless the configuration is adjusted manually via API.