This feature writes to the conversations.hang_up_by
task attribute to allow reporting within Flex Insights on which party ended a call. This is accomplished by adding various Flex UI action and event listeners to deduce the reason for the conversation ending.
For external transfers, this also writes the conversations.destination
task attribute to allow reporting on the phone numbers customers are being transferred to, available in Flex Insights under the Destination
The following values may be set for hang up by:
- Customer
- Agent
- Consult (a consulting agent left the call before a warm transfer completed)
- Cold Transfer
- Warm Transfer
- External Cold Transfer (unused out-of-the-box, but available for customizations)
- External Warm Transfer
This data is available in Flex Insights under the Hang Up By
Setup and dependencies
Apart from enabling the hang-up-by
feature, the task attributes set by this feature need to be initialized when tasks are created. For example, in a Studio flow Send To Flex
widget, initialize the task attributes as follows:
"conversations": {
"hang_up_by": "Customer"
This is important to enable accurate reporting when the customer abandons the call before an agent answers.
How it works
Various action and event listeners are used to determine the party who ended the call. This value is kept in local storage until task wrap-up or task completion, when it is written to task attributes. Flex Insights reads task attributes at the time of reservation completion, and associates the task attributes to the correct reservation.