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The Flex Real Time Queues view can be enhanced by adding columns with other queue metrics to the Queues Data Table.

Natively Flex displays the Active tasks count per queue. The Active task count is the sum of Assigned Tasks and Wrapping Tasks. Displaying these metrics separately may give Supervisors additional insight into how their agents are performing.


This feature can be enabled via the flex-config attributes. Just set the queues_stats_metrics enabled flag to true and enable the new columns as needed.

The agent_activity_stats_column shows a Data icon that can be clicked to pop-up a small window to display the agent count per activity for that queue.

      "queues_stats_metrics": {
"enabled": false,
"assigned_tasks_column": true,
"wrapping_tasks_column": true,
"agent_activity_stats_column": true

Flex User Experience
