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Flex allows plugins to define Advanced Team View Filters, which provide a convenient way to add in your own filters to your Flex contact center based on your own worker attributes.

This configurable feature provides sample filters typically used in most contact centers:

  • Activities
  • Agent Skills
  • Department
  • Email Address
  • Team
  • Queue (two different solutions based on availability of a backend)

As well as sample React components to support alternative filter selection options:

  • SelectFilter (configurable to a single drop down or multi select drop down)
  • Free Form Text Filter


Supervisor View

setup and dependencies

To use the sample features, most of the filters can simply be toggled on in the flex-config (with the exception of queue_worker_data, which is intended for use when a solution uses its own backend to keep worker attributes updated with a list of queues). See more details in how does it work.

"teams_view_filters": {
"enabled": true,
"log_filters": false,
"applied_filters": {
"activities": true,
"email": true,
"department" : true,
"queue_no_worker_data": true,
"queue_worker_data": true,
"team": true,
"agent_skills": true

How does it work

advanced filters background

The Team View Filters follow the interface outlined here to create a custom filter definition. Each filter, when used, ultimately adds an AppliedFilter object to a filters array.

An applied filter follows this definition example:

name: "data.activity",
condition: FilterConditions.IN,
values: ["Idle"]

Where each item in the values array is OR'd and each AppliedFilter in the filters array is AND'd together to perform a Live Query against the tr-worker index.

The result set shows up as the list of agents in the team view. It is worth remembering that the live query or instance query has a max result size of 200 objects. Another restriction worth remembering is that there is a maximum query size of 50 AppliedFilters in the filters array.


This filter simply matches against the worker attribute email. In Flex this is already a required field to set up. The filter looks like the following:

name: "",
condition: FilterConditions.CONTAINS,
values: ["mysearchstring"]


This filter is based on the model of the worker attributes adopted from Flex insights. A definition of that model is here.

The worker attribute department_name may be pushed into the worker object through SSO or it may be managed directly in Flex using the worker-details feature. In either case a predefined list of departments needs to be configured so that it can be selected from to search the workers with that applied department.

Ideally we would be able to get a unique lit of department_names from a lookup but there is no consistent way to do this without a backend solution. If building tooling in the solution to allow supervisors the ability to edit and apply department name, synchronizing these options should be a consideration.

However, as a starting point, the department filter uses the departments defined within the common configuration, which can be modified to consist of your unique department names.

The filter matches against the worker attribute department_name. The filter looks like the following:

name: "data.attributes.department_name",
condition: FilterConditions.IN,
values: ["Department Name1", "Department Name 2"]


This filter is based on the model of the worker attributes adopted from Flex Insights. A definition of that model is here.

The worker attribute team_name may be pushed into the worker object through SSO, or it may be managed directly in Flex using the worker-details feature. In either case, a predefined list of teams needs to be configured so that it can be selected from to search the workers with that applied team name.

Ideally we would be able to get a unique list of team names from a lookup, but there is no consistent way to do this without a backend solution. If building tooling in the solution to allow supervisors the ability to edit and apply team names, synchronizing these options should be a consideration.

However, as a starting point, the team filter uses the teams defined within the common configuration, which can be modified to consist of your unique team names.

The filter matches against the worker attribute team_name. The filter looks like the following:

name: "data.attributes.team_name",
condition: FilterConditions.IN,
values: ["Team Name 1", "Team Name 2"]


This filter is based on the skills model within Flex. It is entirely possible a different skills model could be adopted in which case this filter would need to be modified appropriately.

The filter does an OR'd match on any of the selected skills. In other words, if an agent has any of the selected skills, they will be returned in the search results.

The filter looks like the following:

name: "data.attributes.routing.skills",
condition: FilterConditions.IN,
values: ["Skill 1", "Skill 2"]


This filter works by injecting a temporary placeholder into the filters that is then later intercepted using the AppliedTeamViewFilters action hook.

At time of interception the queue expression is loaded for the identified queue and the expression is converted into a filter or set of filters. As a result this filter supports only on a subset of queues as the interface for injecting queries limits the ability to do complex queries.

  • queues must use only AND'd expressions, the inclusion of any OR'd expressions will result in a notification to the user and the filter will be ignored
  • expression can only use the following qualifiers: HAS,==,EQ,!=,CONTAINS,IN,NOT IN

A more comprehensive solution can be found by leveraging a backend to keep track of queue to worker eligibility and keeping eligible queue sids synced on each individual worker object so it can be queried with a much simpler query filter like that in the queue_worker_data filter

known issue

Due to the way the queue_no_worker_data filter injects multiple data.attributes queries into the filters array, if another filter examines the same data element, that last array item to match that element shows up for that filter. As an example (visible in flex-user-experience), if a queue has an expression routing.skills HAS 'Retention' it will produce a filter with

name: `data.atttributes.routing.skills`;

This is the same name used by the agent_skills filter so it shows up there.


This filter simply matches against the worker attribute queues. It is anticipated to be used when a backend solution populates a queue array on each worker that lists the queues that worker is eligible for.

name: "data.attributes.queues",
condition: FilterConditions.CONTAINS,
values: ["queue sid 1", "queue sid 2"]


This filter replaces the out-of-box activities filter. The only difference is that this one can be localized.